Five years ago, if you would have told me that my future would include 6:00 a.m. flower garden strolls in my jammies accompanied by a hot cup of coffee, I wouldn't have believed you. However, a LOT can happen in...
It’s here. Summertime is FINALLY here. After dealing with COVID and cicadas, we deserve a break and a summertime getaway through books! Whether you are working or taking some time at the family cabin, you can take some time this...
I didn't think I needed a meal planning board, even though I’m a planner. You know the kind. The Type A personality that loves to make lists and cross things off them. Yup, that’s me. But... whenever I would see...
Homesteading - this may or may not be gaining traction as a buzzword these days. Especially after the world went into lockdown and suddenly everyone decided to start growing and preserving their own food. But what does homesteading actually mean? While...
When it comes to your home, what is your style? Mine: I love my home to be clean with everything in its place. But I quickly realized after kids that things like soft beige accent chairs would just not survive...
I was scrolling on TikTok the other day when I came across a girl making Mug Desserts. I was SHOCKED that I had never seen this before and I wanted to make every single dessert I could get my...
I don't know about you but I LOVE to read! Here are my top six book recommendations to read when I need a break. Curl up, grab your favorite warm beverage of choice and enjoy the magical escape of...
We all can agree that what is on the table during the big game is just as important as who is playing.  Our team has rounded up their favorite eats + drinks to ensure your party is a total...
I’ve never been one for making New Year's resolutions. They start off well-meaning and seem to fall by the wayside after just a few weeks. However, a few years ago I came up with a different idea. I’d set a...