Mid-Michigan Moms’ Must-Haves: Big Game Eats + Drinks

We all can agree that what is on the table during the big game is just as important as who is playing.  Our team has rounded up their favorite eats + drinks to ensure your party is a total touchdown!

big game

Let’s get ready for football… er, we mean to EAT!

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Do you have a favorite recipe or drink that you love to enjoy while watching the Super Bowl? Share it below!

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We are passionate about the Mid-Michigan community and the moms who live here. Our goal is to make this community feel just a little bit smaller. By using both our website, as well as, various social media outlets, we are able to keep you up to date on family-friendly activities around town, provide advice on motherhood, and encourage each of you to get out and explore all that our wonderful area has to offer!