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24 Books of Christmas: An Advent Calendar

Holiday traditions are one of my MOST favorite aspects of the season, but as a "millennial" mom I'll be the first to admit we...

Embrace the Viral Ghost Painting Trend

As summer fades, the annual shift into spooky season takes hold. You can’t escape it. Most of us are willing victims ready to welcome...

13 Fall Crafts to Make with your Toddler or Preschooler

Once upon a time, I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. I liked the idea of helping young children learn and grown especially using...

The White Pumpkin Project: A Fall Tradition Honoring Infant Loss

The White Pumpkin Project is a fall tradition honoring infant loss. White: a color so pure and so bright. White represents innocence. Brides typically...

Olympic Events, Mom Edition: Sock Matching and More!

Everyone is so impressed with the Olympics. Sure, olympic gymnasts are impressive, and the olympic swimming teams are great, but has anyone seen a mom...

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