If your porch looks anything like mine this season (or basically any day of the week) it means that delivery drivers have been hustling and bustling! From the USPS to UPS, FedEx, InstaCart, and everything in between I watch...
his post represents one mom's opinion and view on the topic of Santa. We all have different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs. Here at #MidMiMB, we encourage that! We welcome your view on the topic via a post or in...
My children are older now. The jig is up when it comes to Santa with my oldest, and my middle child isn't far behind him. But I'll never forget when they were little. I thought the holidays were going...
My husband and I were chatting the other day about a conversation he shared with his sister. She was asking what to get us for Christmas because she didn’t want to get us gift cards. My husband laughed and...
Christmas day is a time for family, right? Well, only if you actually get the day off to spend it with them. As a working parent, I’ll be spending Christmas Day with my co-workers. When I say that out loud to...
One of my very favorite Christmas traditions is bundling up the family, packing some hot chocolate and cookies (homemade not required!), and heading to the Christmas tree farm. There is something about blasting Christmas tunes on the radio as...
Every family has different traditions around the holiday, and each family celebrates in their own way. This is how we celebrate, and one of our favorite parts of the season - The Star From Afar family activity. About five years...
Holiday traditions are one of my MOST favorite aspects of the season, but as a "millennial" mom I'll be the first to admit we are stuck between obliging that of our parents who still are adamant about hosting and...
I know I'm not the only one who cringes when they see things on billboards, on restaurant menus, on television, and sometimes - gasp! - on Christmas cards. So here is my handy guide to making your Christmas card grammatically, punctuationally, and spelling-ly correct. {Although, hopefully, you can spell your names!}

In + Around Mid-MIchigan