Authors Posts by Cassie Butters

Cassie Butters

Hi! I'm Cassie Butters and I am an Occupational Therapist, run my own health and wellness business, while juggling all things 'mom.' On various days you can catch me running, crafting with my kiddo, exploring the great outdoors, helping others with their wellness goals, or writing on wellness and mom life. While I don't punch in a "full-time" work schedule; running a business, treating clients, and being a mom keep me well occupied! My husband and I are natives to the Mitten State and we reside in Jackson, Michigan with our fun-loving, 4-year-old daughter and our fur-baby; Lambeau. I'm so excited to be a part of this amazing group and having the opportunity to share motherhood and adventures in Mid-Michigan with all of you!

Pregnancy After Miscarrige: I Have So Many Fears!

While this is not my first pregnancy, child, or even pregnancy after miscarriage, it still feels brand new and a little surreal at times. As a soon-to-be mother of two children, my head has...

Chores: How + Why Our Child Helps Around the House

"When is my child old enough for chores?" Yes, our daughter helps around the house. I'm not sure of the correct answer to my question posed above, but I can tell you what my husband...

Body Shaming – It Has to Stop and It Starts With Us!

I had just picked my almost five-year-old daughter up from preschool and the phrase that came out of her sweet mouth sent a jolt of pain and disbelief through me. after my disbelief, anger began...

I’m Failing as a Mom and it’s OK

As I hear the words, "You're a bad mom!" shouted at me from the small human in my kitchen, I cringe. Out of her own frustration and anger, our daughter has just informed me...

Being Present When Your To-Do List is Miles Long

It was a Monday, and my to-do list was a mile long. On a typical morning, you can find me making breakfast, getting my run in while my daughter watches cartoons {no need for screen...
intentional in marriage

Five Things I Did To Be Intentional In My Marriage

Intentional. What does it mean to be intentional in our lives? We read a lot about mom things; self-care, exercising, healthy living, or giving grace to ourselves as moms. But what about how to keep the...

What I Have Learned From The “New Normal”

Life looks different for us today than it did a year ago, two years ago, and even three years ago.  I've never liked the phrase, "the new normal." As a mom who typically avoids...

Breaking Up With My Phone: My 7-Day Social Media Detox

Have you tried a social media detox? Years ago...okay, it wasn't THAT long ago...we used to have one phone in our home, maybe two if you were lucky. We couldn't carry our phone with us...

Why I Kicked ‘Mom Guilt’ To The Curb

We've all been there, right? Those nagging feelings that make you feel like you're somehow, in some way, failing as a mom or parent? After years of struggling to become parents, my husband and I...