Something unthinkable and inconceivable has happened to you. I know you feel like you will never be whole again. Like nothing will ever be the same. How can you go on? Will you ever feel like you're not broken...
The #metoo movement is up for discussion this afternoon on #MidMiMB. Our Contributor Jessica shares her perspective and puts out a call to action to parents to educate the upcoming generation about boundaries and the rules of consent. As with all posts...
Almost everyday I send my kid into a room where 90% of his classmates have a potentially deadly weapon hidden in their lunchboxes. My son’s kryptonite happens to be peanuts. After ingesting peanuts, my son will go into anaphylactic...
It started with cramps, awful cramps when my son was 10 months old. I was still nursing him and my period hadn't returned - I hadn't had one since 2016! - so I laughed to myself and figured, "here...
We were so excited when we made the decision to have a child together. We prepared and planned. We knew what kind of space we wanted and we created it. We kept it quiet at first though, we didn’t...
I have a lot of people fooled. They think I'm doing great since giving birth. They think everything seems normal. They believe that I am fine. They are under the impression that I am this “amazing” person. On all...
Motherhood is something I began dreaming of as a young girl. I laid in a tall, grass field with pigtails in my hair and dandelion petals falling on my dusty purple dress while thinking of how someday my mini-me,...
Dearest "Baby" Brothers, I'll start by saying how incredibly proud I am of both of you. You are both such amazing, kind-hearted {young} men. You both have taught me so much since you came into my world; one of you...
It was too soon. I planned my first pregnancy to the T. Hudson was born on his due date. But this one, this pregnancy, wasn’t in my plan. I wasn’t ready. I started complaining about the positive test right...