I tend to eye-roll at "Mom stereotypes" (i.e.: yoga pants, wine, Target). But I totally get one of them: The coffee-drinker. Coffee's appeal is ubiquitous in our society. However, I don't think I ever appreciated coffee as much as I...
Seeing a counselor shouldn't be a dirty secret. I've always been an anxious and nervous person. Since I can remember, whether it was playing sports in school, having a test coming up, job interviews, hanging out with new people- all...
Our child has been in the kitchen cooking with us since she was an infant. We have always talked to her about what we are doing/making in the simplest of terms - from bottle preparation to dinner and dessert. She may not have known at the time...
The days are getting longer, the kids are out of school and we're starting to feel those summertime temps! With all the fun in the sun summer brings, it's more important than ever to stay hydrated in this heat. If...
My husband and oldest are peanut butter obsessed! Peanut butter flavored everything is in order in my household. So, having quick, on-the-go, peanut butter snacks that are healthy and make my family happy are a no-brainer. This recipe is easy, delicious,...
I used to be the Slow Cooking Queen.  Being away 12+ hours a day, the last thing I wanted to do was cook dinner when I got home.  While I'm glad that there are good slow-cooker recipes out there, I...
PUPPP. What. In the world. Is pruritic uticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy? I didn't know either. I thought I was having a life-threatening (not really, but it felt awful!) allergic reaction to something. Or had gestational measles (which I just made...
Illness. A major virus recently invaded our house and caught the attention of my 20 month old daughter, my 4 year old son and myself.  This intruder brought along a terrible cough, fevers and wheezing for the kids, and a...
I’ve said it all when it comes to running: "I can’t run." "Running is the wooooorst." "I’m not a runner." "I will only run if someone is trying to attack me." And now, I’m hooked to this totally addictive thing called running....