This is going to be the summer that we live in our pool. Like many families, we are planning to spend much more time at home with small groups of family and friends. The pool is going to get a workout. Here are some basic care pool tips from a pool-loving mama to help keep your water sparkling blue all season long.
- Testing – You need to test your pool water daily. It is an ongoing chemistry lab all summer long. A quick test will indicate what you are low on. You should also get pool water professionally tested several times during the season to make sure everything stays balanced.
- Tip: Testing is typically free at any pool supply store.
- Chlorine – Chlorine is the chemical used most frequently. Its job is to seek out unwanted material in the water and destroy it. You want your chlorine to be in the range of 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million. As soon as it dips too low, problems can occur. Having lots of swimmers = having more unwanted material in your pool. If you have more unwanted material in your pool-you need to physically add more chlorine. This is called shocking the pool. Shocking basically means to boost the chlorine level. We typically “shock” our pool on Sunday nights after long weekends of lots of swimmers. Every size pool will require a different amount of chlorine. We typically use 2-4 bags, and we ALWAYS put them in at night. Sunlight can burn off extra chlorine (see Stabilizer).
- Tip– Buy a case of shock at the beginning of the season. This allows you to save money by buying in bulk and eliminate any last-minute runs to the pool store to stop the pool from turning green. Stay out of the pool.
- Stabilizer – Sunlight burns off the chlorine. This product helps to keep the chlorine in the water. We typically add this once the summer starts getting consistently hot.
- Tip– You add this directly to the skimmer. It is safe to continue swimming.
- Algaecide – You will need this if the pool turns green. Obviously, when the pool changes colors you have a big problem. Algaecide will work to take out the algae in your pool. If you have algae, you need to brush every inch of your pool to get the algae into the water so the chlorine and algaecide can work their magic. Do not forget behind the stairs and ladders! Algae will hide here.
- Tip– We add 2-4 ounces of this every Sunday when we shock. This helps us maintain a blue swimming pool all summer long. Two bottles will last us all summer. You can also add this before leaving on a trip to help make sure your pool will stay blue.
- Ph Levels – I have never had a Ph issue. This seems to be the least of my worries. However, if the ph of your pool gets too high it will cause the chlorine to stain your pool. Not good. If the ph level gets too low, it will cause eyes to start stinging and will become corrosive. Also, not good. You can use a Ph increaser and a Ph decreaser to change the Ph level.
- Tip– I never mess with this unless the pool store experts tell me too.
After decades of owning a pool, I’ve learned that it is best to stay on top of your pool chemicals. Once the pool turns colors, it will be much more money, elbow grease, and time to get it back to a suitable swimming condition. I hope these tips help you maintain a beautiful pool all summer long!
Do you have any other tips to add?
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