Ever since my daughter’s first birthday in July, I have had a very consistent back and forth struggle going on inside my head. That struggle is, the decision of whether or not to have another baby.
There are not necessarily certain events that happen throughout the day that make me think about it, it just happens. Of course, when I see people having babies or pregnancy announcements on social media, that normally triggers it, as well. It can be a blissful moment, while nursing my baby girl, that the thought creeps in, as to whether she will be my last baby to nurse. It can also be during the very disgusting mess of having my hands in the toilet, while rinsing out a poop filled cloth diaper. It happens along all areas of the spectrum.
Why I Am Crazy Enough To Want Another Baby?
There are so many reasons why I would love to have another baby. As hard as it is to have a newborn and to raise other kids at the same time, I would do it again in a second. I am also one of the crazy women that LOVED being pregnant. I loved that belly, loved feeling that baby moving, and really loved not knowing the gender of our babies. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my son would just lay on my belly and fall asleep most nights. He obviously loved it too!
A very main reason for wanting another child is to be able to have another baby to love. To watch that child grow a little personality of its own and to help and guide that child every step of the way. It’s an incredible experience that can not be compared to anything else in the world and I would definitely love to experience it again.

Why We Would Be Crazy To Have Another Baby?
For us to add another baby to the family would mean there would be 4 kids living in this house, plus my husband and I, and our goldendoodle. We have three bedrooms but we may have some logistical issues that could arise by adding another child. Another baby would also mean planning on another child to go to college, $$$$. That’s reason enough to question this decision! I also take into consideration that my husband has a job that requires a lot of hours and time away from home. This would mean more responsibilities for me, in addition to what I already take on with everything and everybody that we already have.

I also think about the miscarriage that we experienced between my 4 year old son and my 18 month old daughter. I don’t ever want to experience that again, but I also know how common miscarriages are. If this were to happen to me again, maybe I would be more prepared for it this time. If that is at all possible.
We have been so fortunate in having three healthy children. Like every other parent in the world, I know that although my children are not perfect, I know that they are intelligent, beautiful, and are going to grow up to do amazing things. So, what’s one more?!?!?!?! Then I think about the worrying and “mommy anxiety” that would come with another. Then, I think, “well isn’t that what we signed up for?” Am I being selfish? There are so many questions to ask, answer and decide!

As a mother and woman, does “baby fever” ever go away? I know that I have heard people say that they “just knew” when their family was complete. Does this happen with everyone? There is definitely something still pulling on my heart strings for another baby. Will this feeling ever go away?
As you know my oldest is about to turn eight and my youngest is five. I am one of those oddballs that also loved being pregnant. I loved it despite the first two trimesters being filled with morning sickness that ravage my body to exhaustion. Even that did not make the feeling of possibly wanting another one go away. I debate about it on a daily basis. Like you said the thought just wanders into my mind here and there just often enough to make me giddy inside and anxious at the same time. I have always wanted three kids. Like you, I experienced a miscarriage after my second. That fear never leaves you I think. My husband and I have decided to leave it up to God’s will. If it happens it happens. If not, we are blessed with two spunky, energetic kiddos.