If you find yourself feeling a little blue leading up to Mother’s Day, know you are not alone. Celebrating Mother’s Day as a motherless mother is hard. I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer in October of 2013. Each ensuing Mother’s Day has held its share of emotions, but I have finally reached the year I feel like celebrating. I hope you will join me in honoring our mothers’ memories in the most beautiful ways possible.
Check out the list below for fifteen ways to celebrate your late mother while making new memories with the entire family:
- Spend the day doing some of her favorite things. My mom loved drinking coffee morning, noon, and night. She enjoyed working in her flower gardens, walking through her neighborhood, giving herself at-home manicures, and singing karaoke. I’ve inherited her love for coffee, often plant special flowers just for her, and sing everywhere I go. Choose some of your mother’s favorite hobbies and do them with your children.
- Visit the places she loved. Due to the pandemic, this idea may be difficult to carry out. However, a road trip for a drive-by isn’t entirely out of the question. Increase the level of fun by playing a game of I Spy along the way.
- Revisit old picture albums. Share the stories behind each picture with your children. They will enjoy hearing about the life their grandmother lived and seeing you as a little girl.
- Dig out old VCR tapes. Watch family videos from years past. Teach the kids how to make popcorn and settle in for a trip down memory lane. Close your eyes and find comfort in listening to her sweet, sweet voice.
- Make a list. Jot down special memories with mom. Find pictures to match each memory and frame them for a hallway wall. Have the grandkids do the same if they had the privilege of meeting her.
- Write her a letter. Update mom on life with her grandchildren. Tell her everything. Involve the children by asking them what things they wish their grandma knew. It will be a great trip down memory lane for you as well.
- Sport an apron. Gather the family and spend the day in the kitchen, creating and enjoying each of her favorite meals.
- Listen to her favorite music. Who doesn’t love a dance party?
- Take a virtual field trip. Share mom’s birthplace with your children. Spend an hour or two researching the city she was born in. While places like Nice, France can be more interesting to explore, every location provides us with an opportunity to learn something new. Take it a step further by having the children write a report about what they researched and discovered.
- Call her friends. Better yet, hop on your favorite video chat platform and pour a glass of mom’s favorite drink. Propose a toast in her memory and spend an afternoon reminiscing all about her.
- Get artsy. Channel your inner Painting With A Twist wisdom and lead the kids in painting a portrait of grandma. Be sure to have the necessities on hand to make Shirley Temples for the little ones.
- Complete a puzzle. Send a favorite photo of mom out and have it turned into a puzzle. Spend the day gathered around the dining room table, piecing the picture together with the family.
- Make a blanket. Gather her old clothes and create a quilt to snuggle up with. Make this a family project by teaching the children how to sew granny squares together.
- Celebrate living moms. Send something special to the other living mothers in your life. Make their day extra special by letting them know how much you appreciate and cherish them.
- Go on as if it’s a normal day. If you aren’t up to celebrating, do something you enjoy. Go kayaking. Get out for a walk in the woods. Spend the day reading a long book. Whatever it is, make sure it makes you happy. After all, this day is all about you!