New Year, New Mom: Top 3 Motivational Tips for 2017

Hello loves! I’m super excited about the New Year, and all its offerings for growth in my role as a mother. 2016 was a tough year in the role of mommy for a lot of us. I learned so much about myself as well as my kiddos.  

I learned the beginnings of how to manage schedules, and how to NOT to manage schedules.  I also learned that making time for myself is important, and how to incorporate more meal planning, the importance of spending alone time with my husband, and trying to keep my home tidy. 

It’s important to know that your best you isn’t in your ability to take the award home of the, perfect wife, and mother. But in the opportunities in which you decide to grow and learn. Learning that what works for you may be just for you, and to never compare yourself to other women, whose circumstances may be completely different.  

Here are my top 3 ways I plan to grow as a mom 2017. Join me!:

#1 Enjoy your own personal journey through motherhood
Set your own rules!  You do not have to do it like your mother, grandmother, Aunt, or best girl friend.  Comparing yourself to another mother, puts limits on your creativity.  It is important to be creative in the ways we deal with our children, and our households.  Create what will work for you, it is all about trial and error.  Through tantrums, and behavioral issues, and what ever particular instance that arises we as mothers need to be confident in our abilities to problem solve.  This year I will enjoy my journey because it’s mine, I own it!

#2 Take more time for myself
Self care is the best care! What ever your getaway may look like. It could be in the bathroom alone, shopping in the mall, reading a book, at your local favorite coffee shop, or even on an island for Pete sake! Whatever the time alone looks like you need to find it.  Moms to refuel, and time to think about NOTHING! I know it may be hard, my mind is always on to the next thing.  But it’s ok have time alone, don’t feel bad about it.

#3 You can still build your dreams during motherhood
This is one of the MOST important tips of the year! We can not fight for the dreams of our children, if they do not see us fight for our own.  This may seem like a stretch but finding other things to put our hands to other than motherhood help us teach our kiddos that doing the things you love can make you happy, and accomplished.  Start small it could be as reading that book, and that may turn into you writing one.  

In closing, going into the new year optimistic, and full of expectation that good things will happen underneath the place you call home sweet home will set these tips into motion! You got this! Until next time loves!!


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