In the process of becoming a mom, I forgot how fun it is to be a kid!
I forgot the joy of building a fort out of couch cushions. Instead, I see the mess and my furniture being torn apart first, rather than the pride they get from creating something.
I forgot the joy of making a mess while painting. Instead, I see clothes that will need to be washed, along with a table and a kid.
I forgot the joy of staying up late because you are so excited about something. Instead, I want them to go to bed, so I have time to get a couple of things done before I get some sleep, too.
I forgot the joy of winter and sledding headfirst down a giant hill. Instead, I think of every muscle in my body that will be hurting tomorrow.
I forgot the joy of making a mess in the kitchen while learning to cook pancakes and chocolate chip cookies. Instead, I want to make the recipe myself because it’s faster and not as messy.
I forgot the joy of discovering new things and playing make-believe. Instead, my imagination seems to be lacking.
I forgot the joy of dancing around the house, being silly. Instead, I just want to sit down on the couch and relax for a few minutes.
I forgot the joy of building sandcastles at the beach. Instead, I think of how itchy I’ll be and how it will take forever to wash the sand off when we get home.
I forgot the joy of experimenting with flavors. Instead, I look at my child’s lunch choice, pizza topped with carrots and peaches, and question his taste buds.
I forgot the joy of splashing in puddles on a rainy day. Instead, I think of how cold my feet will be and how wet my shoes will get.
I forgot the joy of seeing each new day as a fresh start, full of wonder.