I’m Drowning in Pandemic Mommy Mode

Are you drowning in Pandemic Mommy Mode? I think we have all come to an understanding that being a mom is not easy. It’s physically exhausting, mentally exhausting, socially exhausting, spiritually exhausting, and every other kind of exhausting you can even imagine, then some more.

drowning in pandemic mommy modeJust when you thought maybe, kind of, you were not drowning but keeping your head a little bit above water, please bring in our special guest, GLOBAL-HEALTH-CRISIS-PANDEMIC-SNOWPOCALYPSE-VIRTUAL-SCHOOLING-UNEMPLOYMENT-SMALL-BUSINESS-STRANGLING SUPERMONSTER!

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.

So. Any one of those things could break your brain. Steal your sanity. Rob you of your joy and your cool. Let’s try them all on at the same time, shall we?

I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Nobody has it all together right now. many of us feel like we’re drowning. If someone seems to have it all together, they are either curled into a fetal position when you can’t see them or they are on some heavy drugs that we shouldn’t talk about here.

I battle the yelling monster normally. Lately, I have become one with the yelling monster. She isn’t pleasant. I try to keep her out of sight, but she’s very insistent. I try to convince her that the kids are stressed out enough too, wearing masks to school or not going to school or trying to school on the computer or not seeing friends or hearing about friends who have tested positive or being tested themselves with the Q-tip up the nose. {Have you had to have your child tested? Not a pleasant experience.} But the yelling monster perseveres, like some terrible horror movie form of a motivational poster. Hurray for her.

Anyway, I guess what I’m trying to say is, cut yourself some slack. Nobody has ever had to do what we’re doing. We are writing the book on how to {or how not to} deal with a global pandemic and raise children at the same time. It’s not pretty, and it will take some trial and error and probably more error than trial and definitely a boatload of patience. But girl, we can do this together without drowning.

Kids are resilient. Mine don’t even complain {too much} about wearing masks at school anymore. They go with the flow, and maybe we can take a cue from them.

But maybe get the king-sized box of wine at the store, okay?

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Mary grew up in Texas but fled north in pursuit of seasons and snow. She fell for a Michigan boy, and they are raising three mini Michigangsters. Mary lives for 90's music, books by Jasper Fforde, strong mosquito repellent, and using a big word when a little one will do. She adores her husband and children, tolerates housework, and dotes on her flock of backyard chickens.


  1. This post was exactly what I needed to hear today! Mary, your sense of humor always puts a smile on my face. Thank you for this and shout out to all the pandemic moms (and dads) who are losing their minds along with us!

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