Recently I was told how I have too much on my calendar and asked why I have my kids in so many activities throughout the year:
- I was told that they NEVER have downtime to be kids and that it’s not fair to them.
- I was told they are too young to do everything they are and that I should wait till they are in middle School or High School.
The reality? My kids are not into a lot of things, it just seems like that because we have seven people on one calendar. Each of my older two boys is in one sport, plus a church activity group. My kindergartener is in one sport. My youngest two kids attend a ‘Parent and Me’ class twice a week.

Why are my kids in sports now instead of later? To give them the skills now that they need to be able to try out and get on the middle school and high school teams. Let’s face it, if you’re not playing at a younger age the likelihood of you getting on the older teams is a bit harder! And it’s awful to have to explain that to a kid who pours their blood, sweat, and tears into something. I was that kid. Our calendar may look packed, but it has a purpose.
My kids pick the sports they want to play. Not me. We’ve done soccer, baseball, and basketball. We have offered others as well. We’ve cheered them on in rain, snow, and in blazing sun. We’ve had weeks where we felt like we lived out of our van – carrying snacks, dinner, and extra clothes. We’ve left the soccer field and headed directly to a family wedding, or other activity more than once.
So ask me again, is it worth sitting on the sidelines for three hours of practice? Is it worth watching several games a week? Is it worth freezing my tush off one week and sweating bullets the next? Yes – and I will always say YES in response to that question!
It is WORTH every second of our busy calendar to see my kid smile when he scores. It is worth every second to hear the thwack of a bat hitting a ball. It is worth every sunburn, rainstorm, and long day to see my child succeed in something they love – for them to come off the field feeling accomplished and proud of reaching a new personal record. I will always say YES. OUR ACTVITY-PACKED CALENDAR IS WORTH EVERY SECOND!