21 Days to Self Love: Mommy Edition

Hey, Mama. How are you doing? Good?

Okay, now honestly tell me how you are doing. 

If you read that much and answered truthfully – thank you. Me? I am an emotional mess and I am giving you a big sloppy hug. I really hope things get better for you. I’m here to help with 21 days to self love.

self loveLet me remind you that you are incredible, you are strong, and you are worthy. 

Recently, I have really tried working on loving myself again, like I did before I had my daughter. Unfortunately, that came with a few major roadblocks. It felt selfish, and the guilt surrounding my quest was driving me insane. But I am worthy of self love, and so are you!

“But practicing self love doesn’t make you selfish, or a narcissist, it just means that you won’t settle for less than you deserve, because you understand and respect your own needs.” -Caitlin Killoren from Relish

Self love is definitely easier said than done, but I want to challenge you to love yourself for 21 days. Just 21 days and then you never have to worry about me nagging you about self love and self care

For the next 21 days, take a couple of minutes a day to maybe mentally journal your thoughts while the coffee is brewing:

Self Love Day 1: Find a positive affirmation and read that every day for the rest of this challenge.

Self Love Day 2: Get out of your comfort zone and try a new recipe. Blog about your experience to see how you progressed! 

Self Love Day 3: Reach out to someone you have not spoken to in over 3 months. This could be a simple text or phone call if you have time. 

Self Love Day 4: If you do not already, set a phone ‘bedtime’ for yourself. After a certain time of the day, leave that phone alone charging in a room outside of the bedroom.

Self Love Day 5: Pick up a book, audiobook, or podcast that you’ve been meaning to try and listen/read that for 15-30 minutes.

Self Love Day 6: Today, say no {within reason}. If you are like me and do not like to disappoint people, say no to cooking dinner. If you are overwhelmed, say no to that extra task at work. Say no to give yourself freedom.

Day 7: Write down any grievances and then forgive yourself. Forgot that your kid had swim lessons today? Stop beating yourself up. You are an incredible mom and you are doing so well.

Day 8: Treat yourself to ice cream today and don’t share with the kids. 

Day 9: Take a ‘self’ date. Go see that movie you want to see. Go shopping at Target and not say when you’ll be back home.  

Day 10: If you were ever interviewed, what would you say your mom story is?

Day 11: Think back on the favorite piece of advice you have received and share that with someone today! A penny earned is a penny saved!

Day 12: What is something you cannot live without and why? Could you challenge yourself to go without that for 12 hours-24 hours?

Day 13: What is a mom lesson you have learned the hard way and how did you overcome that? Show off your skills!

Day 14: What about motherhood gives you purpose? 

Day 15: Share what makes you laugh and laugh today! (Fun fact: it takes only 4 muscles to smile!)

Day 16: What makes you happy?

Day 17: If you could say anything to your younger self, what would you say?

Day 18: Quickly spit off 5 qualities you love about yourself!  

Day 19: If you could take your perfect vacation now, where would you go and what would you do? What’s stopping you from doing that now?

Day 20: Ask for help on a small task today. Laundry needs to get done? Ask for help and take that time for yourself.

Day 21: Notice, note, and show gratitude. What do I mean by that? Recently, I was listening to a podcast from Fr. Mike Schmitz and he mentioned how life flies by sometimes and we miss out on little things when we do not notice, note, and show gratitude, so my challenge to you is to notice things around you today, note the source of those things, and give gratitude. 

This will not be easy as our lives as mothers call for us to do so much for everyone else, but we will feel more fulfilled as a mom when we love ourselves. It’s not selfish. It’s self love.

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This Southern Belle has lived in Mid-Michigan with her husband Matt and dog Vader for a few years. They welcomed their first heavenly and saintly baby girl, Lynn Sofia, in May 2020 and are expecting a boy in August. Rebeca is a degreed bilingual meteorologist and has graduated with her Master's Degree in Applied Sciences from Mississippi State (the other MSU). When she is not blogging, you can probably catch Rebeca at a local BWW, reading a book outside when the weather is nice, or eating finding a local dive across Mid-Michigan.