Kindergarten: Enjoy the Ride and Protect Your Sweet Heart

Despite the preparation of attending preschool, Kindergarten brings a whole new line-up of “firsts.” Individually each one sounds manageable. All together it sounds pretty overwhelming. Entering the public school system. Teachers with lesson plans. Homework and academic responsibilities. Peers from all walks of life. A school bus ride, a latchkey program, lunch choices, new playground equipment, projects, and {gasp} grades. 

As a mother experiencing all of these same firsts, I find myself thinking about the big picture and about the traits my daughter has that I hope will remain intact as she learns and grows. I am realistic in that I know there will be tough days with new feelings of heartache, disappointment, inadequacy, or self-doubt. But I am hoping the powerful moments of conquering new tasks, forming new friendships, and realizing her limitless opportunity will far outweigh the rough stuff. Here are my hopes and dreams as I watch her spread her wings… 

Protect Your Sweet Heart

Empathy will go a long way. Protect your heart and your desire to do the right thing. Peer pressure can be difficult to navigate. You cannot control anyone else, only yourself. Choosing to have a good attitude and an optimistic mindset isn’t always easy, but it comes with great benefits that are often contagious. Love is a big emotion, do it fiercely. When it doesn’t go your way, it will hurt. Know the pain is temporary though, it won’t always feel that way.

Choose Kindness

There will always be a choice in how you act or react, in the words you use, in the actions you take, in who you hang out with, etc. You are not obligated to be anything to anyone, but being kind is a great place to start until you are challenged otherwise. Character matters. It costs nothing to be friendly and it feels far better to smile than it does to frown. 

Be Fearlessly YOU

You are the only YOU that exists. Own it. Be silly. Be weird. Be nerdy. Be artistic. Listen to funky music. Wear stripes with patterns. Dive into a hobby that fills your heart with joy, even if it’s not the popular choice. Do what makes you happy and do it without hesitation. ”In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.”

Kindergarten: getting on the busTry New Things

Sure, it will be scary, but don’t let the feeling of hesitation about the unknown overrule your desire to give it a try. As long as it doesn’t hurt you or anyone else, go for it! You will discover new things about yourself every day if you embrace challenges and opportunities. 

Don’t Worry What Others Think

Their opinion of you will never matter more than your own opinion of yourself. People are often quick to judge, but try not to let any of that negativity or cynicism seep into your soul. The effects can be devastating and you’re better than that. Hold your head up high. Comparison is dangerous. Stay away.

Embrace Diversity and Be Open-Minded

People are vastly different. It’s part of the beauty of this world. It is truly what lies within that is the most important, not outside appearance. Let differing opinions generate perspective and conversation, not build fences. Most of us at least start with a desire to be inherently decent people. Some will choose a different path, so also know when it’s OK to fight for what’s right, take sides or move on.

You Will Fail and It’s Okay

Life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t make learning that lesson any easier. You won’t always excel at everything, but that doesn’t mean you are not capable. Some things will come easy. Other things will be a struggle. Know that hard work pays off, and though it sounds cliche…practice really does make a difference. Perfection is not the goal. That’s impossible. If you want to do it, work at it. Over and over. You’ll get it. And if not, try the next thing. Don’t give up.

Speak Up 

Speak up if you know the answer, be proud. Speak up if you don’t know the answer, you’re learning. Say something if you need help or if someone else needs help. Don’t be afraid to use your voice. Be confident. Be bold. Be brave. You will also soon learn that not everyone can be trusted. It’s a terrible thing to realize after living your first five years surrounded only by people who love you and want to see you succeed. There are a lot of bad people out there {of all ages, shapes, titles, disguises, etc}. Trust your gut. Find good people and stick with them. If someone reveals their true colors to the contrary, remember your value and shout the truth.

No Means No

Your body, your choice. Period. If someone, anyone violates that… even if it’s someone who you initially trusted but who know gives you a terrible feeling in your gut, heart, or mind… run. Do whatever you have to do to remove yourself from the situation and don’t feel bad. Their feelings no longer matter, only yours. 

Take Care of Yourself

Your health is THE most important thing you have. Take care of yourself, be conscious of what you eat {but say yes to that ice cream}, move your body every day {but it’s OK to veg too}, and be proactive in living your best life. You have one body, treat it nicely.

I Will Always Support You

You don’t have to tell me everything {even though I hope you do}. But know that no matter what life throws your way, I am on your side. Daddy too. We are your parents, yes. You won’t always like us or agree with the rules, but we love you more than we can ever put into words and every single thing we do is with your best interest in mind. Trust us. Lean on us. Confide in us. Value and respect us. We promise to reciprocate all of that as we embrace each new chapter life throws our way.

You’ve got this kid, time to fly! 

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Jessica lives in Grand Blanc with her husband and their smart, sweet, sassy daughter who shines as their one and only. Jessica thrived on the adrenaline rush of local TV news for 15+ years as a weeknight producer before leaping into a new career, mid-pandemic. She now works from home as a content specialist for a national early education and child care company and finally knows the true meaning of work-life balance. She’s a positive, sarcastic, margarita-loving momma who embraces creative challenges, adventure, and personal growth. Date nights, dog walks, friend time, and DIY projects are her favorite forms of self-care.