6 Quick Tips To Inspire Your Child’s Love of Reading

March is reading month!

What better time to start some new habits with your family. We all know the benefits of reading, but fitting it into the everyday shuffle of life can be hard. It is important for your child’s development and education. It is also a great way to bond and connect. I want to share my top six tips for engaging kids in reading at home at any age because it’s never too late to start.


  1. Books, books, books everywhere! Place books everywhere for your child to see, look at and pick up. We have some in the living room, car, in their rooms and the playroom downstairs. We pack them for doctor visits and vacations too. If my kiddos are having a hard time laying down for a nap, I will let them pick out a few books to take to bed and look at. To them, it feels like a toy when they’re supposed to be calming down. It often helps them relax and fall asleep. 
  2. Holiday-themed books. Maybe this is the former elementary teacher in me, but having a holiday theme is in my DNA. In our house, we decorate for different occasions and seasons. This also includes a variety of holiday-themed books. I keep them in coordinating holiday storage bins for easy access. Each time we bring out the new decor, the kids get a new crop of books to look at. Doing so gives us a chance to discuss the upcoming holiday, what it means, why we celebrate, etc. We keep our early picture books in the mix too. My older daughter, an early reader, can pretend to read them and tell a story with just the pictures.
  3. Utilize audiobooks. We are inside a lot during the harsh winter months, so I will often turn on an audiobook and have it playing in the background as the kids play while I am doing tasks, such as making their 100th snack for the day. Just listening to the story and the cadence of sentences strung together to convey a message is important for a child to absorb. They do not always need to see the pictures correlating with a story. Even while playing, they hear it and will make comments about the story, so I know they’re listening! You can often stream these from your library for free through an app on your phone. Audiobooks are also great for long car rides.
  4. Books on CD. Staying with the audio theme here, our kids have really loved books that go along with a CD narration of the story. I have found these at the library, online and big box stores. My older daughter can put the disc in her CD player and follow along with the story, turning the pages at the signal. This is a trick I learned from her early preschool teachers. I have found books with a variety of themes and stories for her to listen to that she doesn’t tire of. It’s a great “quiet time activity” while her younger sister is napping.
  5. Seek out their interests. As a former teacher and mom, I do not care what they are reading as long as they are reading and engaging in stories. Pay attention to what your child is interested in and then take them to the library to get any and all books on that subject. Whether it is dinosaurs, fish or fairy tales, the library will have a variety of books on that subject to keep your kiddo interested. Don’t be afraid to ask their teacher what they enjoy the most in class… it may help inspire a new selection of books to seek out.
  6. READ! Read in front of your children. Yes, you! Books, e-format, newspapers, magazines and more. When your kids see you enjoying a book or story, they want to be like you. They will want to engage in the same activities to be just like their mommy and daddy. My girls know reading is one of my favorite hobbies and they often see me doing so in the car on trips, on vacation or even if they are playing. It is OK for your kids to see you enjoying your own hobbies and interests. It shows them you value reading and it also shows them you value spending time doing things that you enjoy.
I’ve had great luck getting books from the library, garage sales and even local second-hand shops. So what are you waiting for? I hope one or more of these tips have encouraged you to pick up a book and read with your kids today! Share below how you have integrated reading into your family life. 
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