We have been participating in the 4-H fair for a couple of years now. Our entire family benefits from the fun and learning!
We don’t do the animal side, although my kids would love to! I’m just not ready for that. We pin the still exhibits portion, and I encourage every family to look at joining in the fun and participating! You don’t have to be a member of a 4-H club to participate, but joining a club can make the fun last all year long!
Why do I say the whole family benefits from it? Check out my family’s “why” below. Of our family of seven, only four of us actually compete in the 4-H categories. But EVERYONE gains from the fun!
The Summer Bucket List
We love making a bucket list of things to do. Much of the “fun” are things that have a competition element – from tie-dye to gardening, and cooking. We learn new skills and check off some fun summer activities from our bucket list.
Avoiding Summer Slide
My kiddos love writing stories to go with their drawings. To help keep their minds sharp during the “summer slide” we have them develop a few of their stories to enter into the 4-H Fair. Other projects include poetry, menu writing, and building things {math}. My oldest loves building and has really come to understand a lot of his math through hands-on projects.
Learning New Skills
We all know that when we move out on our own it helps to have some experience in basic life skills – like home economic type skills. We do sewing projects like making pillows or cases, sewing PJ’s, and aprons. The kids learn to bake cookies, bread, and treats in the kitchen as well as tending and picking the best produce from the garden. They learn about different types of peppers and tomatoes as well as how they each have a unique taste.
Capturing life and Adventures
Photography! This one we work on ALL year and it is a lot fun for the kids to look back on what we’ve done. The kids and I take thousands of pictures each year. For the 4-H Fair, they find and take photos in different categories like portraits, still life, pets, landscape, and more.
Okay so besides learning skills and having fun how does the WHOLE family benefit from 4-H? Those who don’t compete still participate in the activities and adventures we go on. The whole family goes to the fair. Some nights we walk the barns and look at the animals, others we go to the evening shows. And I will admit fair food and rides can be a lot of fun to treat the kids to. At the end of the week there are a lot of memories made, ribbons received and family time spent together. To us, that is a BIG WIN!
Have you participated in the county fair? What are some of your memories? Looking to get in on the fun? Contact your local county 4-H extension office or fair office.