Supporting Local: Cider Sundae Funday at Leaman’s Green Applebarn!

Support local! That’s what we’ve been trying to do during this pandemic. We’ve been supporting local businesses who have had to shut their doors and risk their future all for our safety.

The last local business we visited may have offered the sweetest treat yet!
Apple picking, cider, and donuts are staples in Michigan during the fall but who says you have to wait until fall to head to the apple orchard? Not Leaman’s Green Applebarn in Freeland.
Recently the kids and I visited for their Cider Sundae Funday.
I first heard about the event on Facebook {thanks social media} after a former co-worker went to their first event. The pictures she posted were mouthwatering. When I saw they were hosting more dates, I knew I had to go!
supporting local
Photo Credit: Leaman’s Green Apple Barn
The event is drive-thru and order ahead only. You pull up in your car and team members from Leaman’s bring your treat right to your car.

Being a sucker for cider donuts, I ordered the cider donut sundae. Having to guess what my kids are going to want to eat days in advance is not always the easiest however I felt their special for the day, the donut sundae would offer them something they would both like and could split. Boy was I wrong! My husband doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth but selected a chocolate chip cookie.

supporting local
“Donut Sundae” Photo Credit: Leaman’s Green Apple Barn
My cider sundae was delicious and I’m already envisioning having another. My daughter loved the donut sundae. She has a sweet tooth like her mom. My son {ever his father’s son} decided he wanted chocolate chip cookies instead of the donut sundae with his sister. Since my husband had to work that day and wasn’t able to make it, I figured he could have his cookie. Well…it turns out it wasn’t one cookie I ordered but a package of 10 cookies. Good thing, too, because my son proceeded to eat four of them!
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My little cookie monster.
Of course, I had to order something {or things in this case} to take home for breakfast the next day.
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The yummy treats we brought home.
While my waistline might not be happy with me, I have no regrets. We supported local and even got to eat outside on some picnic tables they provided {who know 6 months ago that would be a luxury these days}.
If this blog post has got your mouth watering, like my friend’s pictures did for me, Leaman’s will be hosting two more Cider Sundae Fundays this month. On June 21st – Father’s Day – and June 27th.
In addition to the cider sundaes, donuts, and cookies, each day has a featured sweet treat. On June 21st it’s a Maple Bacon Donut, which they are calling the “Dad Donut”. On June 27th they are featuring Apple Crisp and Ice Cream. Check out their social media page for more mouthwatering pictures!
Remember the event is preorder only so visit their website for your tickets!
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Sarah was born and raised in the Motor City but has called Mid-Michigan home now for over a decade. She worked as a television news reporter covering everything from breaking news, investigative stories, sports, and lifestyle but has stepped back from the industry to be a stay-at-home mom for her two kids. In between swim classes and t-ball practice, Sarah enjoys running and bowling (she is a former state champion). She also has her own blog, The TV Mommy - @SarahJaegerTV or @TheTVMommy - and owns her own video production business, April Lane Productions.